About BVI
Until now, obtaining body composition data relied on specific devices like wearables or smart scales whereas BVI offers a unique solution that does not require such equipment to monitor health and understand body composition.
BVI technology provides a comprehensive assessment of health and risk, serving as an alternative to traditional health risk testing methods

Our Story
20 years ago, a collaboration of organisations understood the limitations of the Body Mass Index (BMI) and have pioneered the creation of the Body Volume Index (BVI) as a new digital alternative.
BVI has been developed, tested and validated by 8 Universities, 3 Public Health bodies, and 5 Commercial Organisations, with recent validation confirming the improvement of BMI over BVI at the prediction of metabolic risk.
Advances in smartphones and tablets now offer universal access to high-quality digital cameras, allowing BVI data to be collected anywhere. Just two digital images processed in a few seconds allows more data to be collected than BMI ever provided.
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